There are a total number 124 vacancies for various posts under different departments of Government of Odisha, check the post-wise vacancy details from below.
– Board of Revenue, Odisha, Cuttack: 24– Labour Commissioner, Odisha, Bhubneswar: 10– RDC (SD), Berhampur: 01
– Industrial Tribunal, Bhubaneswar: 02– Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Bhubaneswar: 08– Directorate of Agriculture and Food Production, Bhubaneswar: 09
– Directorate of Treasuries and Inspections, Bhubaneswar: 03– Lokayukta, Odisha, Bhubaneswar: 01– Directorate of Local Fund Audit, Odisha, Bhubaneswar: 04– Controller of Accounts, Odisha, Bhubaneswar: 01
There are a total number 124 vacancies for various posts under different departments of Government of Odisha, check the post-wise vacancy details from below.